26 September 2010

wedding shower

Jessie and Jacqui spent the afternoon at a wedding shower hosted by our LifeGroup. Such good friends:

old friends

Ran across this as I was updating the blog. It's from the very beginning of the Summer. I met up with three of my best - and now, oldest - friends from high school for a few days of golf at Pinehurst. It's the first time this configuration has been together in a very, very long time. The pic, sadly, is a bit blurry, though I think the blur hides the accumulated ugly.

capt'n jack

We never spend as much time on the water as we'd like, but boy, we love the time we do. We took advantage of one fine day to get the boat wet. Jack took her turn captaining:

jimmy stewart

A dear friend of mine, Jeff Smead (the guy who led me to faith), was ordained this summer. He asked me to preach at the ordination service, quite an honor. Jeff and his wife, Lee, live in Indiana, PA, which happens to be the boyhood home of Jimmy Stewart; hence the house:

good huntin'

Spent the day with a friend in the Francis Marion Forest hunting Wild Hogs. We did pretty good, 3 sows and 1 boar - we each shot two. Gave the boar away and butchered the sows.

Boston 2010

Boston 2010